adwords tips for dentists

The Best Google AdWords Tips for Dentists

Google AdWords tips for dentists that are looking for ways to grow their practice through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

PPC advertising, when used well, can be an incredibly effective way to grow your dental practice. Google AdWords provides a few different types ads, all within the PPC umbrella. This includes text and display ads. (There are multiple display ad sizes, as well.) Before setting up an account and bidding on keywords, though, it’s important to have the basics down! Otherwise, you could be spending your budget on ineffective strategies.

These AdWords tips for dentists will help you maximize your budget to help gain new patients.

Direct Your Ads to an Ad-Specific Landing Page

One of the best ways to provide a personalized experience with each ad is creating an ad-specific landing page. If you want to target parents to grow your pediatric practice, you would use keywords like “kid-friendly dentist [your town]” and create a landing page about providing friendly, child-focused dental care.

If you specialize in dental implants, create a landing page that is implant-specific. This could be a deal or client testimonials to help encourage users to make an appointment.

There are a number of landing page programs available. We prefer Instapage or Leadpages, and they integrate easily with WordPress. If you’re using Squarespace for your website, they offer landing pages within their platform, making it quick and easy to implement.

Refine Your Keyword Strategy

It can be tempting to use every dental-related keyword available, but the shotgun approach is often not useful for individual practices. In order to maximize your results, choose keywords based on the services you provide.

Like when directing to an ad-specific landing page, choose keywords that focus on your specialties. This could be dentures, implants, comfort-based care, crowns or bridges, or aesthetic dentistry like veneers.

When you use procedure-specific keywords, you can target to users most likely to become patients.

Take Advantage of Google’s Resources

When you create an AdWords account, you’re assigned an Account Strategist. These Account Strategists are part of the Google AdWords team and are trained in the best ways to utilize PPC for businesses.

While it’s true that some representatives may be better than others, they can help you refine your strategy to maximize your paid ads budget. The more efficiently you’re spending your budget, the further it will go.

If you’d like to learn more about PPC yourself, there’s an incredible wealth of information available on Google’s website. This covers everything from set up to managing ads to measuring results.

Use Reports to Hone Your AdWords Strategy

If you aren’t pulling monthly AdWords reports, then you may be using your budget inefficiently. These reports show trends and results that will help you determine how to move forward with your PPC strategy.

These reports also offer insights like low search volume and low Quality Scores. Using these insights will help you refine your strategy over time. Many dentists have limited budgets for paid advertising, so you want to ensure you’re using what you do have well.

Plan for a Long-Term Strategy

Like with most marketing tactics, Google AdWords is a long-term strategy. You may see quick results, but the high-quality leads will continue when you refine your keywords, ad types, and timing. When you invest in a long-term PPC approach, your practice will be set up for success.

These Google AdWords tips for dentists are an effective way to ensure you’re getting the best results possible from your PPC advertising efforts. Your dental office can greatly benefit from using Google AdWords, and using these tips can get you on the way to grow your practice this year.

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