Facebook Ads for dentists

Facebook Ads for Dentists: Creating Engaging Ads to Reach New Patients

Facebook Ads for dentists can help grow your practice and help you reach the people you can best treat. While it can definitely be confusing, we’re here to make it easier for you to utilize Facebook’s platform to your dental practice’s advantage. The right strategy will also maximize your budget for affordable advertising that will get the results you’re looking for.

Facebook Ads Basics for Dentists

There are a few key points to know before we begin. The first is how Facebook structures their ads. If you think about this as a funnel, the Campaign is at the top, Ad Sets are midway, and Ads are at the bottom.

The Campaign contains your objective, which could be views, engagement, leads, or another one of Facebook’s optimizations.

The Ad Set includes targeting options (location, age, gender, and more), as well as your budget, schedule, and whether you want the ads just on Facebook, or on Instagram as well. The Ads contain all the creative, like the image and the text.

This organization means you can change targeting in one Ad Set for all the Ads within it, and you can keep everything organized.

Target Your Ideal Patient

Who is your ideal patient? This will change depending on your practice and location. Some general dentists have a thriving pediatric practice as well, while others prefer to refer parents to a pediatric dental practice. If you’re looking to expand your restorative dentistry practice, you won’t target new parents or those under a certain age.

By analyzing your current and desired patient roster, you can better target your ideal patient on Facebook Ads. Using behaviors, location, age, gender, and other characteristics, you can maximize your ad spend by serving your Facebook Ads to only those you want to reach.

Remember Non-Paid, Organic Posts

While it’s easy to focus only on Facebook Ads, it’s important to remember your non-paid Facebook posts as well. People want to see an active business page when they’re looking for a new dentist.

We recommend posting three to five times a week. This can include images, links to blog posts, and industry news that would be relevant to your audience. Remember that not all studies should be shared with your audience because they won’t be interested.

However, if there’s something they should know for their oral health, and is written in a way readers without a medical degree will understand, then share away!

Let Facebook Determine the Best Ad

When dentists use multiple photos or designs in one Ad Set, Facebook will test how each performs and will use the best performing ad. This means you’ll need multiple versions in order to maximize this feature.

Test different captions with the same image, or the same caption with different images. When you look at the results, you can determine how your audience is reacting and how to improve your future ads.

Taking the time to learn the Facebook Ads platform will give you a great foundation to grow your practice through every campaign. Regardless of your dental focus, these Facebook Ads basics will get you set up for success!