
Treating Your Dental Practice as a Business (without Sacrificing Patient Care)

Many dentists spend long years in dental school precisely because they want to focus on patient care and practicing medicine. Many dentists would rather not deal with the business-side of their dentistry. However, any dentist who wants to secure success will have to take the business aspects of running a dental office very seriously.

Consider the following business needs for any dental office:

  • Purchasing and/or leasing the right equipment at the best prices.
  • Attracting, identifying, and retaining the best possible staff members.
  • Structuring the staff team to consistently provide excellent patient care and customer experience.
  • Marketing to draw in the highest-value patients.

There are many other business aspects that dentists should consider when setting up and running their practice. However, while business practices are important, that doesn’t mean that you have to lose sight of patient care.

Let’s go over some tips for dentists who want to build up the business side of their dental practice without sacrificing patient care!

Hone Your Skills and Market Them Honestly

Many dentists find themselves excelling in one area or another. Sometimes that refers to skills, such as filling in cavities. Other times, it refers to handling certain types of patients, such as the elderly or children. If you find yourself excelling in certain areas of your dentistry, it’s fine to focus on them.

Better yet, it’s best to market those skills specifically. By marketing what you’re best at, you’re more likely to build up those areas of your dentistry. This will lead to better work on your part, and better patient care.

Take Stock of a Patient’s Full Needs

Many patients need more than a simple cleaning job. Many patients could also benefit from other value-added services, such as treating stains, curing an infection, or another service. Make sure you closely and honestly consider their needs for such advanced dental treatments

A dentist should never sell a patient treatment that s/he does not need. However, dentists should slow down and make sure they are taking full stock of the patient’s needs.

The Best Staff is Good for Patients and Business Alike

The best dentistry staff will provide excellent customer service and patient care. They’ll be friendly with patients, while also providing excellent treatment and ensuring that every patient is getting everything they need.

The best dentistry staff will also help you boost your dental practice’s bottom line. They will work efficiently, won’t waste materials, and will generate referrals with their excellent care.

Consider structuring your staff so that they can focus on adding value. Don’t have hygienists cleaning patient treatment rooms, for example. Instead, have someone on staff who can focus on preparing treatment rooms. That way hygienists can focus on where they add the most value.

By Focusing on Patients, You Can Build Up the Business Aspects of Your Dentistry

If you step back to examine all of the above points, you’ll notice a common theme: the patient always comes first. This should be true of any dental practice. By providing great patient services, you’ll build a strong practice. However, as you provide this care, you should consider business aspects in tandem with patient care.

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